Title: FAQ for The Wheel of Fate Post by: Whaleyland on July 10, 2009, 03:47:21 pm As suggested, I am adding my questions from the Wheel of Fate expansion:
1. Three roads venture behind the wheel: Are they ended or do they connect? 2. Since the tiles are clearly outlined on the Wheel tile, can Magic Portals transport followers to a Wheel tile? 3. Can the Dragon cross the visible wheel tiles? 4. Does the Wheel count for any points as a landscape feature? 5. Are the three fields on the Wheel tile connected or separate? Title: Re: FAQ for The Wheel of Fate Post by: Scott on July 10, 2009, 09:22:44 pm I'm curious what HiG has to say about using Wheel of Fate with Count and/or River.
Title: Re: FAQ for The Wheel of Fate Post by: CKorfmann on July 11, 2009, 01:02:37 am I'm curious what HiG has to say about using Wheel of Fate with Count and/or River. Good question. It got me thinking, so I compaired the city to the wheel because I thought it might just match up, but it doesn't. It seems like it would have been a smart thing to do to match the two squarely, but I suppose it could be done by simply matching up the roads somewhere. This could be done in a couple of places, but the two wouldn't be square with each other. That's probably a good thing though. Would anyone really want to start the game with a giant 4x7 block of tiles already on the board? Title: Re: FAQ for The Wheel of Fate Post by: Whaleyland on July 11, 2009, 02:46:27 am Would anyone really want to start the game with a giant 4x7 block of tiles already on the board? Bring on the River I and II tiles (plus the two GQ11 tiles)! I want me a butt-load of start tiles. Half-way through the game, you think to yourself: How much of this board was already assembled when I began? And then the dragon comes and consumes everything. Ah...Carc. Mega-Games are getting kinda ridiculous, aren't they? Title: Re: FAQ for The Wheel of Fate Post by: mjharper on July 11, 2009, 06:16:58 am In an attempt to have some division of labour concerning the new expansion I'd like to suggest the following:
__________ So, having gone through the rules more carefully now, I have a couple of questions.
That's it for now, I think... Title: Re: FAQ for The Wheel of Fate Post by: Novelty on July 11, 2009, 11:04:06 am My questions: